Hi, my name is
I am on the way to be a Web Developer
I am studying Web Developer at DCI since February 2002. I've learning the HMTL & CSS and I am building this PortFolio Webpage by using these languages.
Vietnam in my heart
Vietnam project was my Final Project for DCI Orientation Course
I was updating this project after 2 months get deeper in HTML and CSS by using grid -flex - media query ...
Asia Food Corner
The webpage for an Asian shopping fans
The webpage using flex and ifame to set up for unreal supermakt. For the video because of Copyright so I used just a random worked one.
Cuckoo drawing gallery
The webpage of drawing collection
All were setting up using transform translate - rotate - scale and description text would be appeared by hover.
Other Projects
Ho Chi Minh
The Portfolio about President Hochiminh of Vietnam
Setting the webpage using Pseudo-Class ::after for numbering the section and Flex.
Survey about Vietnam
A survey form to know how much you do know about Vietnam
The website using Form.
Class 4b Timetable
Primary school class 4b timetable
Setting the table using Table and setting the color used class.
Get in touch
I am very happy to get contact with you